martes, 3 de julio de 2012

News: Green Day to Release Three Albums in Four Months

Fri, 13 Apr 2012 09:52:19

Green Day to Release Three Albums in Four Months - It's ambitious, but if anyone can do it, Green Day can

Green Day will release three albums in a four-month span. Ambitious, right?

¡Uno! will hit stores in September; ¡Dos! will be released in November; and ¡Tre! will be available in January.

The punk rockers said, "We are at the most prolific and creative time in our lives. This is the best music we've ever written, and the songs just keep coming. Instead of making one album, we are making a three album trilogy. Every song has the power and energy that represents Green Day on all emotional levels. We just can't help ourselves."

It's certainly an undertaking and risky in this climate where people aren't buying records like they used to, but it'll be interesting to see how this pans out.

Are you going to check out all three Green Day albums?

—Maggie Pannacione

Tags: Green Day

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